List of Data Policy Violating Publications 2020 - 04.03.2024

Found 2 types of violations (in 75 regular papers):

     Missing link to data: 54 time(s)
     Invalid link to data: 2 time(s)

       A01:   7 not complying papers
       A02:   2 not complying papers
       A04:   3 not complying papers
       A05:   1 not complying papers
       A06:   8 not complying papers
       A07:   2 not complying papers
       A08:   1 not complying papers
       B01:   2 not complying papers
       B02:   2 not complying papers
       B03:   2 not complying papers
       B04:   5 not complying papers
       B05:  15 not complying papers
       B07:  11 not complying papers
       B08:   2 not complying papers
       B09:   1 not complying papers
       Z02:   1 not complying papers


     TITLE: QCD phase transition in the chiral limit
   AUTHORS: Olaf Kaczmarek, Frithjof Karsch, Anirban Lahiri, Lukas Mazur, Christian Schmidt
      LINK:           YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Chiral susceptibility in ( 2+1 )-flavor QCD
   AUTHORS: Jens Braun, Wei-jie Fu, Jan M. Pawlowski, Fabian Rennecke, Daniel Rosenblüh et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Chiral phase structure of three flavor QCD in a background magnetic field
   AUTHORS: Heng-Tong Ding, Christian Schmidt, Akio Tomiya, Xiao-Dan Wang
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: The chiral phase transition temperature in (2+1)-flavor QCD
   AUTHORS: Heng-Tong Ding, Prasad Hegde, Olaf Kaczmarek, Frithjof Karsch, Anirban Lahiri et al.
      LINK:         YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Universal scaling properties of QCD close to the chiral limit
   AUTHORS: Olaf Kaczmarek, Frithjof Karsch, Anirban Lahiri, Christian Schmidt
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Sensitivity of the Polyakov loop to chiral symmetry restoration
   AUTHORS: David Anthony Clarke, Olaf Kaczmarek, Anirban Lahiri, Mugdha Sarkar
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Chiral and effective $U(1)_{\rm A}$ symmetry restoration in QCD
   AUTHORS: Jens Braun, Marc Leonhardt, Jan M. Pawlowski, Daniel Rosenblüh
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Strong Coupling Lattice QCD in the Continuous Time Limit
   AUTHORS: Marc Klegrewe, Wolfgang Unger
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: The SU(3) spin model with chemical potential by series expansion techniques
   AUTHORS: Jangho Kim, Anh Quang Pham, Owe Philipsen, Jonas Scheunert
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Higher order cumulants of net baryon-number distributions at non-zero $\mu_B$
   AUTHORS: D. Bollweg, F. Karsch, S. Mukherjee, C. Schmidt
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Comparing conserved charge fluctuations from lattice QCD to HRG model calculations
   AUTHORS: Jishnu Goswami, Frithjof Karsch, Christian Schmidt, Swagato Mukherjee, Peter Petreczky
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Chemical potential on the lattice: Universal or Unique?
   AUTHORS: Rajiv V. Gavai
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Improved Reweighting for QCD Topology at High Temperature
   AUTHORS: P. Thomas Jahn, Guy D. Moore, Daniel Robaina
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Rate of photon production in the quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD
   AUTHORS: Marco Cè, Tim Harris, Harvey B. Meyer, Aman Steinberg, Arianna Toniato
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Fermionic excitations at finite temperature and density
   AUTHORS: Ralf-Arno Tripolt, Dirk H. Rischke, Lorenz von Smekal, Jochen Wambach
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Strangeness in Nuclei and Neutron Stars
   AUTHORS: Laura Tolos, Laura Fabbietti
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Impact of a thermal medium on $D$ mesons and their chiral partners
   AUTHORS: Glòria Montaña, Àngels Ramos, Laura Tolos, Juan M. Torres-Rincon
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Electromagnetic and weak probes: theory
   AUTHORS: Ralf-Arno Tripolt
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Open-charm Euclidean correlators within heavy-meson EFT interactions
   AUTHORS: Glòria Montaña, Olaf Kaczmarek, Laura Tolos, Angels Ramos
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Spectral functions from the real-time functional renormalization group
   AUTHORS: Sven Huelsmann, Soeren Schlichting, Philipp Scior
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Spectral functions and dynamic critical behavior of relativistic $Z_2$ theories
   AUTHORS: Dominik Schweitzer, Sören Schlichting, Lorenz von Smekal
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Strangeness in Nuclei and Neutron Stars
   AUTHORS: Laura Tolos, Laura Fabbietti
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: The nonperturbative contribution to asymptotic masses
   AUTHORS: Guy D. Moore, Niels Schlusser
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Dual simulation of a Polyakov loop model at finite baryon density: Phase diagram and local observables
   AUTHORS: Oleg Borisenko, Volodymyr Chelnokov, Emanuele Mendicelli, Alessandro Papa
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Cross-conductivity: novel transport coefficients to constrain the hadronic degrees of freedom of nuclear matter
   AUTHORS: Jean-Bernard Rose, Moritz Greif, Jan Hammelmann, Jan A. Fotakis, Gabriel S. Denicol et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Hydrodynamics from quantum fields: a regularized expansion from the Wigner distribution
   AUTHORS: Leonardo Tinti
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: A Non-Equilibrium Approach to Photon Emission from the Late Stages of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
   AUTHORS: Anna Schäfer, Juan M. Torres-Rincon, Charles Gale, Hannah Elfner
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Inclusive and effective bulk viscosities in the hadron gas
   AUTHORS: J.-B. Rose, J.M. Torres-Rincon, H. Elfner
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Zilch Vortical Effect, Berry Phase, and Kinetic Theory
   AUTHORS: Xu-Guang Huang, Pavel Mitkin, Andrey V. Sadofyev, Enrico Speranza
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Spin tensor and pseudo-gauges: from nuclear collisions to gravitational physics
   AUTHORS: Enrico Speranza, Nora Weickgenannt
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: A Non-Equilibrium Approach to Photon Emission from the Late Stages of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
   AUTHORS: Anna Schäfer, Juan M. Torres-Rincon, Charles Gale, Hannah Elfner
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Fermionic excitations at finite temperature and density
   AUTHORS: Ralf-Arno Tripolt, Dirk H. Rischke, Lorenz von Smekal, Jochen Wambach
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Electromagnetic and weak probes: theory
   AUTHORS: Ralf-Arno Tripolt
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Two-pion production in the second resonance region in ${\pi}^-p$ collisions with the High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES)
   AUTHORS: J. Adamczewski-Musch, O. Arnold, E.T. Atomssa, C. Behnke, A. Belounnas et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Dilepton Signature of a First-Order Phase Transition
   AUTHORS: Florian Seck, Tetyana Galatyuk, Ayon Mukherjee, Ralf Rapp, Jan Steinheimer et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Exploring the partonic phase at finite chemical potential in and out-of equilibrium
   AUTHORS: O. Soloveva, P. Moreau, L. Oliva, V. Voronyuk, V. Kireyeu et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Traces of nonequilibrium effects, initial condition, bulk dynamics, and elementary collisions in the charm observables
   AUTHORS: Taesoo Song, Pierre Moreau, Yingru Xu, Vitalii Ozvenchuk, Elena Bratkovskaya et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Cross-conductivity: novel transport coefficients to constrain the hadronic degrees of freedom of nuclear matter
   AUTHORS: Jean-Bernard Rose, Moritz Greif, Jan Hammelmann, Jan A. Fotakis, Gabriel S. Denicol et al.
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Strangeness in Nuclei and Neutron Stars
   AUTHORS: Laura Tolos, Laura Fabbietti
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Impact of a thermal medium on $D$ mesons and their chiral partners
   AUTHORS: Glòria Montaña, Àngels Ramos, Laura Tolos, Juan M. Torres-Rincon
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Exploring the partonic phase at finite chemical potential in and out-of equilibrium
   AUTHORS: Cassing, E. Bratkovskaya
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Hadron production in elementary nucleon–nucleon reactions from low to ultra-relativistic energies
   AUTHORS: V. Kireyeu, I. Grishmanovskii, V. Kolesnikov, V. Voronyuk, E. Bratkovskaya
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Pseudoscalar and vector open-charm mesons at finite temperature
   AUTHORS: Glòria Montaña, Àngels Ramos, Laura Tolos, Juan M. Torres-Rincon
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Electromagnetic fields and directed flow in large and small colliding systems at ultrarelativistic energies
   AUTHORS: Lucia Oliva
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Medium-induced fragmentation and equilibration of highly energetic partons
   AUTHORS: Soeren Schlichting, Ismail Soudi
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Shear viscosity and electric conductivity of a hot and dense QGP with a chiral phase transition
   AUTHORS: Olga Soloveva, David Fuseau, Jörg Aichelin, Elena Bratkovskaya
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Directed flow of D mesons at RHIC and LHC: non-perturbative dynamics, longitudinal bulk matter asymmetry and electromagnetic fields
   AUTHORS: Lucia Oliva, Salvatore Plumari, Vincenzo Greco
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Influence of the electromagnetic fields on hadronic observables in proton-induced collisions
   AUTHORS: L. Oliva, P. Moreau, V. Voronyuk, E. Bratkovskaya
      LINK:    YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Exploring the partonic phase at finite chemical potential within a covariant off-shell transport approach
   AUTHORS: E. Soloveva, P. Moreau, L. Oliva, T. Song, E.L. Bratkovskaya et al.
      LINK:    YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Light-nuclei production and search for the QCD critical point
   AUTHORS: Edward Shuryak, Juan M. Torres-Rincon
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: Constraining the gravitational coupling of axion dark matter at LIGO
   AUTHORS: Sunghoon Jung, Taehun Kim, Jiro Soda, Yuko Urakawa
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Geometric optics in the presence of axionlike particles in curved spacetime
   AUTHORS: Dominik J. Schwarz, Jishnu Goswami, Aritra Basu
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Searching for Axionlike Particles under Strong Gravitational Lenses
   AUTHORS: Aritra Basu, Jishnu Goswami, Dominik J. Schwarz, Yuko Urakawa
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Can axion clumps be formed in a pre-inflationary scenario?
   AUTHORS: Hayato Fukunaga, Naoya Kitajima, Yuko Urakawa
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Sterile neutrino dark matter: Impact of active-neutrino opacities
   AUTHORS: Dietrich Bodeker, Alexander Klaus
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Primordial Gravitational Wave Signals in Modified Cosmologies
   AUTHORS: Nicolás Bernal, Anish Ghoshal, Fazlollah Hajkarim, Gaetano Lambiase
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Shedding New Light on Sterile Neutrinos from XENON1T Experiment
   AUTHORS: Soroush Shakeri, Fazlollah Hajkarim, She-Sheng Xue
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Cosmic QCD transition for large lepton flavor asymmetries
   AUTHORS: Mandy M. Middeldorf-Wygas, Isabel M. Oldengott, Dietrich Bödeker, Dominik J. Schwarz
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Galaxy imaging surveys as spin-sensitive detector for cosmological colliders
   AUTHORS: Kazuhiro Kogai, Kazuyuki Akitsu, Fabian Schmidt, Yuko Urakawa
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Lepton flavor asymmetries and the mass spectrum of primordial black holes
   AUTHORS: Dietrich Bödeker, Florian Kühnel, Isabel M. Oldengott, Dominik J. Schwarz
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: Neutrino mass bounds from confronting an effective model with BOSS Lyman-alpha data
   AUTHORS: Mathias Garny, Thomas Konstandin, Laura Sagunski, Matteo Viel
      LINK:                  YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Invalid link to data  ->  DATA LINK:


     TITLE: Medium-induced fragmentation and equilibration of highly energetic partons
   AUTHORS: Soeren Schlichting, Ismail Soudi
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data

     TITLE: 3-D structure of the Glasma initial state -- Breaking boost-invariance by collisions of extended shock waves in classical Yang-Mills theory
   AUTHORS: Soeren Schlichting, Pragya Singh
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data


     TITLE: The Semi-Classical Regime for Dark Matter Self-Interactions
   AUTHORS: Brian Colquhoun, Saniya Heeba, Felix Kahlhoefer, Laura Sagunski, Sean Tulin
      LINK:                  YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Invalid link to data  ->  DATA LINK:


     TITLE: Spectral functions and dynamic critical behavior of relativistic $Z_2$ theories
   AUTHORS: Dominik Schweitzer, Sören Schlichting, Lorenz von Smekal
      LINK:                   YEAR: 2020
    REASON: Missing link to data